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November 06, 2019

Christmas is the time to give gifts and make memories, and mom should always be near the top of the shopping list. One of the best ways to show appreciation and give her something that’s as meaningful as it is beautiful is with our Black Hills mother’s rings. Each a stunning creation that combines precious metals and gems with the distinctive design of our collection, these pieces also hold a special significance for families.

In a traditional mother’s ring, one of the stones symbolizes mom herself, while others can represent children or other family members. When you pick out the right gift for the mother in your life, you give her something that serves as a reminder of the people she loves most -- and as a symbol of connection, even if busy lives keep you apart much of the year. Our Black Hills birthstone rings are another great option as a gift for mom. We offer rings that you’re able to customize with the number of stones to represent each child as well as choosing gold or silver.

Mother’s rings aren’t just for blood relations, though. Anyone who provides the same nurturing guidance is sure to appreciate the meaning behind such a significant gift. From foster parents to women to mentor in your life, you can give a little back to the people who helped you grow and flourish with rings that are all about connection, compassion, and care.

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